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A healthy diet is a must for healthy eyes

Created by - Rigomo Team

A healthy diet is a must for healthy eyes

Maintaining a well-balanced, healthy diet is essential to keeping your eyes healthy, and should facilitate scaling back your risk for developing eye conditions. Serious eye conditions are also avoided if you embody foods that contain a spread of vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants.  Eye conditions that you just are also ready to forestall with a healthy diet include:o   Cataracts, that cause cloudy visiono   Age-related Presbyopia and Macular degenerationo   Glaucomao   Dry eyeso   Poor eye-sight There are specific nutrients that keep the eyes healthy along with antioxidants that prevent the eyes from oxidative insult. o   Luteino   Zeaxanthino   Beta-carotene and Vitamin Ao   Vitamins C, Eo   Omega-3 fatty acidso   Zinc How to prepare a dietary regime? A diet is best created with a spread of proteins, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. Try and eat a rainbow throughout your day, incorporating many sorts of foods into many alternative colors. Limit consumption of unhealthy foods that are processed, contain saturated fats, or are high in sugar. Foods for Healthy Eyes Here are seven of the most effective foods for your eyes. Most are typically offered year-round and for an inexpensive value. you'll be able to fancy them on their own or in additional complicated recipes. 1.      Fish Fish, notably salmon, is a good food to consume for eye health. Salmon and alternative fish have polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are good “healthy” fats. Polyunsaturated fatty acids will contribute to visual improvement and will facilitate forestall dry eyes. Consider incorporating fish into your diet some days every week. Once shopping for salmon, opt for a wild-caught version rather than farm-raised salmon2.      EggsEggs are a good food to eat for eye health. The yolks contain A, lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc, which is all very important to eye health. Xanthophyll and carotenoid in eggs help lower the possibility of developing serious eye conditions like age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Eggs are also good for improving night vision 3.      Almonds Almonds, like alternative crackers and seeds, are typically sensible for eye health. Almonds contain a fat-soluble vitamin. Intense regular amounts of fat-soluble vitamins will facilitate forestall age-related degeneration and cataracts. You must aim for concerning 22 International units (IU), or 15 mg of the fat-soluble vitamin each day. One serving of almonds is concerning twenty-three crackers or ¼ cup, and has eleven IU. Alternative crackers and seeds that contain fat-soluble vitamins embody flower seeds, hazelnuts, and peanuts. 4.      Dairy Dairy merchandise like milk and milk products is sensible for the eyes. They contain vitamin A and the mineral zinc. Vitamin A confers protection to the cornea while zinc helps vitamin A to function well for the eyes. 5.      Carrot Carrots promote eye health. Like egg yolks, carrots have beta-carotene (β-carotene) which is a precursor to vitamin A. Whenever the body needs Vitamin A, beta carotene turns into Vitamin A. Toss them in salads and soups for a few more nutrients, or shred them up and add them to gem or batter. 6.      Oranges Oranges and other citrus contain Vitamin C, which is essential for eye health. It helps promote healthy vision, prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts  

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Published - Fri, 03 Jun 2022


Created by - Rigomo Team


Kids used to spend their free time playing in the sand, stones, and other outdoor activities decades ago, but nowadays, all types of children spend their time watching TV, using their phones, tablets, laptops, play stations, and iPods. Adults spend 60% of their time on their phones, TVs, tablets, and laptops, not in their spare time, but during their work. They merge with these types of gadgets, which have become indispensable in today's world. Early on, this causes blurred vision, itchy and watery eyes, headaches, and even double vision. Fortunately, yoga can help to improve the overall strength and function of all of the body's organs, including our eyes. It is always a good idea to splash your eyes with cold water a few times before beginning these exercises. Throughout the exercises, remember to keep your head and spine straight. Here is a list of simple exercises to help you improve your vision.1.     Palming: This exercise will help your eyes relax and recover from fatigue.Instructions:·       Relax by sitting quietly with your eyes closed and taking some deep breaths.·       Gently rub the palms of your hands together until they are warm, and then place them over your eyelids.·       Feel the warmth of your palms transfer to your eyes, and your eye muscles relax.·       Hold this position until the heat from your hands has been absorbed completely by your eyes.·       Keep your eyes closed while lowering your hands.·       Rub the palms once more and do so at least three times more. 2.     Blinking: This yoga exercise will enhance eye muscles and protect your eyes from dryness.Instructions:·       Sit comfortably with your eyes open.·       Quickly blink around 10 times.·       Close your eyes for 20 seconds and relax while focusing on your breathing.·       Do this exercise five times more. 3.     Clockwork: This is a "miracle" exercise for people who spend too much time in front of their computers or televisions. After all, it improves focus and restores nerve strength.Instructions:·       Visualize a clock in front of your eyes and raise your eyeballs to the 12 o'clock position.·       Keep your eyes still for a second before lowering them to six o'clock.·       Without blinking, move the eyeballs up and down 10 times (if possible).·       Maintain a steady and relaxed gaze.·       From nine o'clock to three o'clock, repeat with horizontal eye movements.·       Continue moving the eyeballs without blinking for a total of 10 times.·       Finish this exercise by relaxing your eyes by palming them. 4.     EYE ROTATIONS: This allows the eye muscles to stretch and strengthen. It also assists in eye relaxation.Instructions:·       Keep your back straight.·       Always keep your hands on your lap.·       Rotate your eyes for 5-10 minutes clockwise and anti-clockwise on each side.·       Keep your head still. 5.     Sideways View: This exercise helps you stretch and relax your eye muscles, which is especially helpful after a long day at the office.Instructions:·       Sit with your legs straight out in front of you in a comfortable position.·       Make a fist with your left hand and place it on your left knee with your thumb pointing upwards.·       Focus on a point directly in front of your eyes.·       Maintain this position with your head.·       Exhale and focus your gaze on the left thumb.·       Take a deep breath in and focus your eyes in front of your eye line.·       With the right thumb, repeat the movement.·       Do the same thing with both thumbs at least 3-5 times.·       Relax by closing your eyes.  

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Published - Fri, 03 Jun 2022


Created by - Rigomo Team


Whether it's for academic functions, amusement, leisure, or work, a full-fledged digital way has progressively become part of our lives. Indeed, as a part of this way amendment, work-from-home has become an additional permanent feature of our everyday routine. Symptoms and causes – The multiplied screen time and also the resultant eye issues are often gauged through a spread of symptoms. These may be within the sort of “eye strain, headaches, blurred vision or diplopia, dry eyes or maybe neck and shoulder pain. Sometimes, it will even cause disturbance in sleep patterns and difficulties in concentration.How does screen time affect eye-health?o   Excessive screen time also can cause ‘Computer Vision Syndrome ‘or ‘Digital Eye Strain ‘. Excluding the movement of our eyes, the focusing and focalisation on a pc or alternative digital screens needs extra efforts on a part of the eye muscles and also the vision system. o   Also, whereas we tend to are engrossed with our screens, we tend to tend to blink less that ends up in dry eyes with connected consequences. o   Folks touching forty, notably, have to be compelled to exert additional since their natural lenses become weak.o   While people with unaddressed or under-addressed vision problems can have additional issues for obvious reasons, those carrying some eyewear like eyeglasses and lenses additionally ought to be equally careful.o   “Screen use, notably reception, is usually related to improper posture and improper home lighting. The viewer is usually forced to bend his head, not simply intensifying discomfort to eyes however additionally inflicting back and neck pain. What should you have to do? • First you've got to try and do, reducing or ‘right-sizing’ the screen time is that the commencement that one must take into account. • Second, putting the pc or alternative screen in a sufficiently lit area should become a priority. • Third, adequate distance — ideally at arm’s length — and applicable viewing angle between the individual and also the screen should be maintained. • Fourth, glasses, and lenses filtering blue rays and with ultraviolet illumination protection ought to be taken recourse to. • “Fifth and extremely significant,  is that you always have to keep a distance of 20-20 minutes from the computer and digital screen, this will have less effect on your eyes. This would offer the eyes much-needed rest on an everyday basis. Therefore, whereas work-from-home and also the resulting multiplied screen time has several benefits, there are downsides too concerning our eye health. A study reports that almost twenty-third of the Indian population had suffered some level of weakening vision throughout the pandemic-driven multiplied homestays. As such, whereas we tend to can’t do away with our screens utterly, we tend to should exercise caution. Moderation is the key here for improving eye health.  

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Published - Sat, 04 Jun 2022


Created by - Rigomo Team


The eyes are a vital part of the human body. They're also extremely sensitive and necessitate a lot of attention. Our eyes are constantly exposed to radiation from computers, mobile screens, vehicle headlights, and a variety of other sources in today's world. If you're wondering what you can do about it, Ayurveda, an ancient medical system, has a solution: Triphala. Amla (Emblica Officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and Bibitaki (Terminalia chebula) are three highly nutritious and all-around rejuvenating fruits that makeup Triphala (Terminalia bellerica). All three of these foods are high in a variety of vitamins. Dry eyes, computer strains, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, and cataracts can all be prevented with this product.Benefits of Triphala Eye Wash:o   Macular degeneration is an eye disease in which the macula [part of the retina] degenerates that is responsible for sharp vision, eventually leading to the blurring of central vision. Triphala is effective in both preventing and treating this condition.o   Triphala is effective in the treatment and prevention of senile cataracts. This is a condition that affects the eyes as a result of aging, smoking, or exposure to ultra-violet radiation.o   Triphala is high in vitamin C, which helps to reduce oxidative stress. It also has antioxidant properties, which can help reduce the effects of oxidative stress on the eyes.o   Strengthening eye muscles: Triphala helps to strengthen the eye muscles, which improves vision. This herbal medicine is beneficial to eyesight because it contains either Amla or Amla extract.o   Other benefits: Triphala can help with redness or itchiness in the eyes, open-angle glaucoma, eye strain, and inflammation in the eyes, among other things.How To Use Triphala For Healing Eye Problems?o   Combine a teaspoon of Triphala powder with a cup of hot water. The hot water aids in the activation of the Triphala compounds.o   Allow the mixture to cool completely, before using.o   Strain the mixture through a fine fabric to remove any coarse particles from the powder that could cause eye irritation.o   Get a pair of eyecups and fill them with Triphala water.o   Blink a few times while dipping your eyes in the eyecup. This should be done for at least a minute.o   After this procedure, do not rinse your eyes; instead, clean the areas around your eyes. The best time to do it is right before bedtime, as this allows the eyes to rest and relax fully.PRECAUTIONS: Dipping your eyes in Triphala water may irritate them at first. Anything unbearable should be reported to the doctor, even if it isn't a cause for concern. Please double-check that the Triphala product you're using is free of any preservatives or chemicals that could harm your eyes. Please seek the advice of an Ayurvedic physician.Word of Caution:'       The water should not be reused.'       After the procedure, avoid going out in the sun for a while.'       After the procedure, avoid staring at a screen for a while.'       Ensure that all of the utensils used in the procedure are sterile.  

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Published - Sun, 05 Jun 2022

Amla benefits for Health of the Eyes

Created by - Rigomo Team

Amla benefits for Health of the Eyes

In today's fast life, we tend to ignore our eye health. Currently, it's common to own eye pain thanks to our agitated lifestyle, careless food habits, along with constant and excessive use of electronic devices mobile, TV and laptops. Screen exposure has become extremely high these days which has resulted in weak eyesight necessitating the use of eyeglasses. At the same time newer generations especially, kids tend to spend longer time on mobile and video games than enjoying outdoors. This ends up in poor sight among kids at a young age.Role of Diet on the health of Eyes -Dietary habits have a large role to play in one's health and well-being. Poor diet and lifestyle decisions may adversely affect one's sight. An overall diet rich in colorful seasonal fruits and vegetables such as orange and yellow peppers is usually recommended as they contain carotenoids and antioxidants that keep the eye healthy and promote vision.Benefits of Amla -Amla is a fruit that is extremely nourishing and healthy for our whole body. Considered a superfood, Amla or Indian Gooseberry contains a ton of health and sweetness advantages.High in antioxidant content, amla provides heaps of beauty advantages for your skin, hair, and body. But, on top of all, do you know amla is nice for our eyes too? o   Improves sight:  Many people suffer from poor eyesight due to continuous screen exposure and unendingly use of laptop screens and mobiles. Our eye muscles get weaker and to strengthen them, Amla is extremely useful. Consumption of Amla daily helps improve sight, removes itch, reduces redness, and provides a far better vision.o   Prevents cataracts: Amla helps forestall cataracts and is one of the simplest advantages that eye doctors additionally take into account. It binds and damages the free radicals thereby preventing cataract formation. If you drink 20-millilitre amla juice daily, it'll assist you to unravel this purpose simply. o   Relaxes the eyes: Eyes get tired due to physical and emotional stress. Eye issues like irritation, redness, and swelling are often managed by the consumption of Amla juice. It provides coolness and soothes the eyes.

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Published - Sun, 05 Jun 2022

Sleep benefits for healthy eyes

Created by - Rigomo Team

Sleep benefits for healthy eyes

Quality and quiet sleep is vital to our overall health, and our eyes and sight aren't any doubt a part of the equation. Running low on sleep will take a toll on our eyes in ways in which we would not understand. Here, we tend to break down the affiliation between sleep and your vision. Poor quality of sleep or not enough sleep may result in one or additional of the subsequent issues: Dark circles: you may notice once you’re not well untired that you simply awaken with puffy skin underneath the eyes and even dark circles. whereas not a significant cause for concern, this causes you to seem tired. Eye spasms: once you’re running low on sleep, you may expertise spasms and spasm throughout the day. whereas additional of AN annoyance than a significant health condition, you may realize it’s tough to browse, do your work, or perhaps drive safely. Dry eyes: Patients WHO expertise sleep deprivation could realize they need dry, itchy, unhealthy eyes upon waking, conjointly referred to as dry eye. Dry eyes will be a nuisance, however they will even be an indication that they aren’t obtaining the lubrication they have to remain healthy. Some individuals with this condition square measure sensitive to lightweight and/or have blurred vision. It’s vital to resist the urge to rub them, as this will cause an eye fixed infection. Glaucoma: whereas sometimes a worst-case situation, lack of stay over time will result in additional serious issues like eye disease. This results once an excessive amount of pressure builds up within the attention. Some patients lose their vision entirely. Adequate sleep, on the opposite hand, offers the eyes the prospect to rest, heal, and fill again in order that they will keep healthy. While we tend to board a fast world that doesn’t perpetually rank rest, it’s essential to our health and well-being. Don’t let your sight suffer after you will take easy precautions to guard it. So, get a good’s night rest and reap the rewards of healthy eyes and optimum vision!

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Published - Mon, 06 Jun 2022

Brain health

Created by - Rigomo Team

Brain health

The human brain serves as the command center for the nervous system, enabling thoughts, memory, movement, and emotions through a complex function that represents the pinnacle of biological evolution. Maintaining a healthy brain throughout one's life is the most important goal in pursuing health and longevity. As the population ages, the burden of neurological disorders and the challenges of maintaining brain health increase.Importance of Brain HealthThe health of your brain is critical to your overall well-being. It provides the foundation for your ability to communicate, make decisions, solve problems, and live a useful and productive life. Because it controls so much of daily function, the brain is arguably the most valuable organ in the human body. Brain function can be disrupted by a variety of neurological disorders, which can harm human health. Medically, there are three types of neurological disorders that cause brain dysfunction:Brain diseases with overt damage to brain structures include cerebrovascular diseases, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, meningitis, and communication and sensory disorders.Brain connections or networks are destroyed in neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and other dementias), as well as mental disorders (eg, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, alcoholism, and drug abuse).Other brain disorders with no structural or functional impairment, such as migraine and sleep disorders.These neurological disorders may have different or similar effects on brain health and function. We need a better understanding of the mechanisms of brain function and dysfunction to promote optimal brain health. Regrettably, little is known about how the brain functions. Meanwhile, the mechanisms underlying brain dysfunction in some neurological disorders, especially mental and neurodegenerative disorders, remain a mystery. More research into the mechanisms of brain diseases may lead to new treatments and methods for improving brain function. Other neurological disorders with potential therapeutic approaches have the primary goal of maintaining brain function.Ways to protect your brain and improve your thinking power: Exercise regularly, manage your blood sugar levels and reduce your risk of heart disease, reduce or eliminate the use of certain medications, and wear a hearing aid to protect yourself from hearing loss and social isolation, limit your stress and get the rest you need, and try to stay safe and protect yourself to avoid any type of head injury.Ways to Improve Brain Health: Eat nutritious foods, Try a new activity that stimulates brain function, stay active, get enough sleep, socialize, keep your blood pressure and blood sugar under control, and limit your alcohol intake.

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Published - Mon, 06 Jun 2022

What is Biohacking

Created by - Rigomo Team

What is Biohacking

You’ve detected hacking computers, hacking smartphones, and hacking email. You’ve even detected hacking elections. However what regarding hacking your body? The construct termed is biohacking. whereas it should sound like one thing out of Brave New World, it’s all about improvement, and there are various ways to include strategies for biohacking your body and changing the mind into your daily routine.WHAT IS BIOHACKING YOUR BODY?Biohacking your body means that dynamics of your body’s chemistry and physiology through science and self-experimentation to enhance energy and vitality. It’s a constantly evolving domain that may include: LIFESTYLE AND DIETARY CHANGESThese embody the additional ancient habits that you just might not even consider biohacking such as yoga and meditation, consuming a healthy diet, defrayment time in nature, finding exercise you get pleasure from, sleeping well, and taking biohacking supplements. These are the rituals you need to master before learning additional regarding a way to biohack.WEARABLE TECHNOLOGYDid you ever consider your Apple watch or weight loss app as biohacking? All the wearable technology that provides you reminders to require additional steps day by day, drink water or arise and stretch could be a variety of biohacking – and may be very useful to those that are simply beginning out.IMPLANT TECHNOLOGYThe future of biohacking may observe implant technology such as microchips, bionic eyes, mind-controlled drones, and gene editing as reality.GENETIC ENGINEERINGThis is the kind of biohacking that creates the news. It’s supported by a technology called CRISPR (clustered often interspaced short palindromic repeats), which permits people to edit their genetics. It’s extremely unregulated, for currently existing solely on the fringes of the biohacking world.The possibilities are endless, however, they're all stock-still within the concept we can modify our bodies and our brains, to ultimately become smarter, quicker, and better beings.WHAT IS THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN BIOHACKING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY?The main distinction between Biohacking and Biotechnology is that biotech could be a regulated industry, whereas biohacking is additional “underground.” Biotechnology encompasses any variety of science that studies biology and technology along. Biohacking often makes use of biotechnology, however, it ought not to – changes to what you eat through a diet or to your attitude through exercises like priming or visualization are kinds of biohacking.HOW TO BIOHACK?The best place to begin biohacking your body is with diet, exercise, and attentiveness exercises. From there, begin with wearables like the FitBit or the Apple Watch to trace the manner you use. You can additionally begin experimenting with the music affecting your daily life and adopting a proper diet. WHAT ARE THE VARIOUS KINDS OF BIOHACKING?Biohacking comes in several forms. The 3 most well-liked sorts are Nutrigenomics, DIY biology, and grinder.NutrigenomicsNutrigenomics focuses on whatever food you eat, and how it affects the gene expression. Nutrigenomics also includes how different nutrients affect how you're feeling, thinking, and behaving.DIY biologyDIY biology (or DIY bio) could be a variety of biohacking spearheaded by individuals with education and skill in scientific fields. These biohackers share tips and techniques to assist non-experts to conduct structured experiments on themselves outside of a controlled experimental setting, like labs or medical offices.GrinderGrinder could be a biohacking social group that sees each part of the body as hack-able. In general, grinders get to become “cyborgs” by optimizing their bodies with a mixture of  gadgets, chemical injections, and implants  

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Published - Tue, 07 Jun 2022

What is SLEEP APNEA? Symptom , Causes, Types

Created by - Rigomo Team

What is SLEEP APNEA? Symptom , Causes, Types

Sleep apnea affects approximately 25% of men and nearly 10% of women. This can affect people of all ages, including infants and children, as well as those over 50 and those who are overweight. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes breathing to stop and start repeatedly. If you snore loudly and are tired even after a full night's sleep, you may have sleep apnea.If left untreated, this can lead to serious health issues like high blood pressure, stroke, cardiomyopathy, diabetes, and heart attacks. Sleep apnea causes breathing to stop repeatedly during sleep, resulting in loud snoring and daytime exhaustion, even with a full night's sleep. Anyone can develop sleep apnea, but it is most common in overweight older men.Sleep apnea can cause: Oxygen depletion regularly Changes in carbon dioxide concentrations. Pressure changes in the chest have direct effects on the heart. Inflammation markers are at an all-time high. There are two types of sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when your upper airway becomes blocked repeatedly while you sleep, causing airflow to be reduced or completely stopped. The most common type of sleep apnea is this. Obesity, large tonsils, or changes in hormone levels can all narrow your airway and increase your risk of obstructive sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea occurs when your brain fails to send the necessary signals to allow you to breathe. Central sleep apnea is caused by health conditions that affect how your brain controls your airway and chest muscles. Symptoms of sleep apneaRather than the patient, the bed partner is often the first to notice the signs of OSA. The most common signs and symptoms of OSA are as follows:·       Snoring ·       Daytime drowsiness or exhaustion·       Sleep problems, such as frequent nighttime awakenings·       When you first wake up, you may experience a choking or gasping sensation.·       You may have a dry mouth or a sore throat when you wake up.·       Impaired cognition, such as irritability, forgetfulness, or difficulty concentrating.·       Emotional disturbances (depression or anxiety).·       Nighttime sweats·       Urination in the middle of the night.·       Impotence when it comes to sexual activity.·       Migraines.People with central sleep apnea are more likely to have recurrent awakenings or insomnia, though they may also wake up with a choking or gasping sensation. Symptoms in children may not be as noticeable and include:·       Poor academic performance•       Sluggishness or sleepiness in the classroom is frequently misinterpreted as laziness.•       Mouth breathing and swallowing problems during the day.•       When inhaling, the ribcage moves inward.•       Sleeping in unusual positions, such as on one's hands and knees or with the neck hyper-extended.•       Excessive night sweating•       Behavioral and learning disorders (hyperactivity, attention deficits).•       Bedwetting. This condition can affect anyone, but certain factors make you more vulnerable:·       Being overweight·       Having a large neck circumference can narrow your airways·       Having a narrowed airway due to large tonsils or adenoids that you inherited or developed·       Smoking·       Use of alcohol, sedatives, or tranquilizers·       Nasal congestion·       Type 2 diabetes, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, Parkinson's disease, PCOS, hormonal disorders, prior stroke, or chronic lung diseases like asthma are examples of medical conditions. Conservative treatments: Conservative therapy may be all that is required in mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea. People who are overweight can benefit from losing weight. Alcohol and certain sleeping pills should be avoided by people with obstructive sleep apnea. Breathing pauses occur only when some patients with mild obstructive sleep apnea sleep on their backs. In such cases, a wedge pillow or other devices that allow them to sleep on their side may be beneficial. Nasal sprays or breathing strips should be used by people with sinus problems or nasal congestion to reduce snoring and improve airflow for more comfortable nighttime breathing. For all patients with sleep disorders, avoiding sleep deprivation is critical. When to consult a doctor: Although loud snoring may indicate a serious problem, not everyone with sleep apnea snores. Consult your doctor if you have signs or symptoms of sleep apnea. Consult your doctor if you're tired, sleepy, or irritable due to a sleep problem.

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Published - Wed, 08 Jun 2022

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Transforming Emergency Care: The Story Behind Rigomo's Revolutionary PPMMP Course
Transforming Emergency Care: The Story Behind Rigomo's Revolutionary PPMMP Course
In the bustling corridors of a major hospital in Mumbai, Dr. Ayesha Khan felt the pulse of emergency medicine beating at a frantic pace. As a seasoned emergency room physician, she had seen it all — from the heartbreaking to the miraculous. Yet, despite her years of experience, Dr. Khan often felt that something was missing — a gap between the theoretical knowledge she had acquired and the real-world application of managing complex patient scenarios. It was during one critical incident, a complicated case of a diabetic emergency with multiple complications, that the idea for a comprehensive training program began to take shape.Dr. Khan observed that while her team was highly educated, they often hesitated, unsure of the best course of action when standard procedures didn’t align perfectly with the complexities presented by real-life cases. This observation was the seed that grew into the Practical Patient Management Program (PPMMP), developed in collaboration with Rigomo, a pioneer in healthcare education.The Genesis of PPMMPThe journey began with a simple question: How could healthcare professionals bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical execution? The answer lay in creating a dynamic, interactive, and comprehensive training environment that mirrored real-life medical emergencies more closely than traditional classrooms or online courses ever could.Dr. Khan approached Rigomo with her vision, and together, they crafted a curriculum that was deeply rooted in the realities of medical practice. They decided to focus on a multi-faceted approach, incorporating simulations of emergency scenarios, step-by-step analytical techniques, and patient management strategies under pressure.What Sets PPMMP Apart?From the outset, the PPMMP was designed to be different. It wasn’t just about learning what to do; it was about understanding why, how, and when to do it. The course covers a wide range of emergencies — from metabolic crises like diabetes to respiratory emergencies and anaphylaxis. Each module is built around the latest research and clinical guidelines, ensuring that participants receive the most up-to-date information possible.However, the real magic of the PPMMP lies in its delivery. Recognizing the linguistic diversity of India, the entire course is offered in Hindi, making it accessible to a broader range of healthcare professionals. This decision has democratized access to advanced medical training, particularly benefiting those in rural or underserved areas.A Real-World ImpactOne of the most compelling testimonials comes from Dr. Manav Arora, a young doctor who enrolled in the PPMMP shortly after its launch. During an overnight shift, Dr. Arora faced a severe case of pulmonary embolism — a situation he had only read about in textbooks. Armed with knowledge and hands-on practice from the PPMMP, he was able to lead his team effectively, administer the right interventions, and save a life that night. Dr. Arora credits the PPMMP for his confidence and quick decision-making skills.Looking AheadToday, the PPMMP is not just a course but a movement. It’s about empowering doctors, nurses, and paramedics with the confidence to take bold, informed actions in critical situations. As healthcare continues to evolve, Rigomo is committed to updating the curriculum to include new findings, techniques, and technologies.The success story of the PPMMP is a testament to the power of innovative thinking in education and the profound impact it can have on healthcare delivery. It stands as a beacon for future endeavors in medical training, highlighting the crucial link between knowledge and action in saving lives.The Practical Patient Management Program has grown significantly since its inception, touching the lives of numerous healthcare professionals across India. The course’s success has encouraged other institutions to look towards similar models of integrated, practical training programs. To learn more about the PPMMP or to enroll in this transformative course, please visit PPMMP at Rigomo By joining this program, you not only gain access to advanced medical training but also become part of a community dedicated to excellence in healthcare services. The platform’s easy-to-navigate interface and comprehensive resources ensure that every participant can maximize their learning potential and truly make a difference in their professional environments.

Sun, 12 May 2024

Empowering Rural Healthcare: How Pogiko's AI is Bridging the Gap in Medical Services
Empowering Rural Healthcare: How Pogiko's AI is Bridging the Gap in Medical Services
Access to quality healthcare remains a significant challenge in rural regions, where the scarcity of medical resources and professionals exacerbates health disparities. Pogiko, an innovative AI-powered tool from Rigomo Technologies, is emerging as a transformative solution to these challenges. This article delves deeper into how Pogiko is enhancing healthcare delivery in underserved areas.Technological Innovation Meets Rural Medicine Pogiko utilizes advanced AI algorithms to perform functions like disease diagnosis, medical report analysis, and case management, traditionally reserved for specialists in well-equipped urban centers. By automating these complex tasks, Pogiko provides rural doctors with the capabilities of a virtual specialist team, enabling them to offer comprehensive medical care even in resource-limited settings.Immediate Benefits of AI in Rural HealthcareEnhanced Diagnostic Accuracy: Pogiko's AI quickly interprets symptoms and medical data, providing accurate diagnostics that are crucial in areas where specialist consultation is rare or delayed.Decision Support: It offers real-time decision support to healthcare providers, aiding them in treatment planning and management, thus minimizing the risks associated with delayed care.Education and Training: Through regular updates and learning tools, Pogiko keeps rural healthcare providers abreast of the latest medical advancements and treatment protocols, significantly improving their knowledge base without the need for frequent travel for training.Case Management and Remote Assistance With Pogiko, rural healthcare practitioners can manage multiple cases efficiently, with AI suggesting the most effective treatment plans based on the latest guidelines and patient data. Additionally, its ability to facilitate remote consultations helps bridge the distance between rural practitioners and specialists in urban centers, fostering a collaborative approach to patient care.Long-Term Impact and Scalability The scalability of AI tools like Pogiko promises a broader reach, potentially transforming healthcare delivery in remote areas globally. By providing high-quality medical advice and support, Pogiko helps reduce healthcare inequalities, ensuring that rural populations have better health outcomes and access to advanced care practices.Pogiko exemplifies how AI can play a pivotal role in not just supporting but significantly enhancing healthcare in rural areas. As technology advances, the potential for AI to serve as a cornerstone in rural healthcare systems becomes increasingly evident, offering a beacon of hope for regions still struggling with the basics of medical care.

Thu, 25 Apr 2024

Advancements in the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism: What's New in 2024?
Advancements in the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism: What's New in 2024?
Artificial Intelligence in DiagnosisAdvancements in Endovascular TherapiesPersonalized Treatment ApproachesNew Pharmacological TreatmentsMultidisciplinary Care TeamsThe landscape of pulmonary embolism treatment in 2024 is characterized by rapid advancements in technology, personalized medical approaches, and the development of safer, more effective therapies. These innovations not only improve the quality of care received by patients but also significantly increase survival rates and enhance the quality of life following a PE diagnosis. As research continues and technologies evolve, we can expect even more impressive strides in the treatment of this challenging condition.

Wed, 24 Apr 2024

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