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Published - Tue, 12 Apr 2022

Control Your Blood Sugar Naturally At Your Home

Control Your Blood Sugar Naturally At Your Home

In today's fast-paced lifestyle, most people prefer to eat fast food. A hectic, busy schedule and work pressure do not allow people to do any exercise and yoga. The increasing stress and poor lifestyle choices impact the physical and mental well-being of an individual. People face so many health issues such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc. If you are suffering from diabetes or pre-diabetes, this is the time to take control and make changes in your lifestyle to control blood sugar. We proposed a few yoga poses and exercises which are useful and help you to control your diabetes. Best Yoga And Excercise For Diabetes Patients Before knowing the yoga asanas which will be helpful to control the sugar and progression of diabetes. Certain factors that may increase the development of diabetes include: 1. Unhealthy diet patterns 2. Lack of physical exercises 3. Psychological stress Lifestyle modification that includes a balanced diet along with physical activity keeps a check on the progression of the disease and reduces stress.

The best yoga asanas for controlling sugar in diabetes are:

1. Dhanurasana (BOW POSE): This pose is very helpful in strengthening and regulating the pancreas. That means this pose is helpful for people with diabetes. Moreover, it boosts digestion, prevents stomach cramps, and strengthens abdomen muscles.

2. Balasana (child pose): This pose includes the use of rotator muscles, spinal extensors, hamstrings. It is also beneficial in relieving stress, fatigue, and neck pain. It also makes you relax and helps in increasing the production of insulin-producing beta cells.

3. Bhujangasana (upward-facing dog pose): Your spinal extensor, triceps brachii, and quadriceps muscles work together in this pose. It improves blood circulation, increases energy levels, and improves insulin sensitivity.

4. Shavasana (Corpse pose): It is eventually the resting pose. It makes your body cool and calms down your mind. It makes your mind process the workout and gives its benefits to your body. Make sure to do this pose at end of the yoga session.

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Rigomo Team

Rigomo is a leading online education platform that offers a wide range of courses to help individuals enhance their skills and achieve their career goals. With our user-friendly interface and expert instructors, we strive to provide high-quality education to everyone, anytime and anywhere. Join us today and take the first step towards a brighter future.

Rigomo is an e-learning platform that was founded in 2019 by a team of dedicated professionals with a passion for revolutionizing the way people learn. The platform offers a range of online courses that cover various industries, including business, technology, healthcare, and more.

Rigomo's courses are designed to be interactive and engaging, with a focus on practical skills that learners can apply in their careers. The platform uses a combination of video lectures, quizzes, and hands-on projects to help learners master the subject matter.

Rigomo is committed to providing affordable and accessible education to people around the world. The platform offers a range of pricing options, including monthly and annual subscriptions, as well as pay-as-you-go options for individual courses.

Since its launch, Rigomo has received numerous accolades for its innovative approach to e-learning. The platform has helped thousands of learners across the globe acquire new skills and advance their careers.

As Rigomo continues to grow, the team remains committed to providing high-quality education that is accessible to all. The platform is constantly updating its courses and features to ensure that learners have access to the latest tools and technologies.

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Comments (1)

Praneel Rodrigues
Praneel Rodrigues
The content is very genuine. liked the work, the connection of yoga and the physiology is much needed nowadays, seeing forward for more such works. kindly include the references if possible
Fri, 02 Dec 2022
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